Monday, September 8, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Heart Diseases and Strokes-- Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Heart Disease - Easy to Prevent and One of Easiest to Reverse
By Hal Decker

According to the American Heart Association (, over 70 million Americans currently have some type of heart disease. (Note: This does not include the tens of millions of people who are in the process of developing heart disease). The cost of treating heart disease (also know as cardiovascular disease, or CVD), in both direct and indirect costs is estimated to be over $400 billion annually.

Individuals need to take more individual responsibility to prevent Cardiovascular disease in the first place both for themselves and for their loved ones. Heart disease results in tragically reduced quality of life for those affected, for family and caregivers as well as adding enormously to the high cost of health care in this country. Individuals can help prevent heart disease most importantly through healthy eating, better lifestyle habits including regular moderate exercise, the proper use of nutritional supplements, regular medical check ups and working with their doctor.

Since the heart is a muscle, it can become weakened for many reasons including:

1. lack of regular exercise, often resulting in being overweight which causes the heart to work harder and more inefficiently

2. being subject to the abuse of too much stress, being

overworked or over-exercised, overweight, too little sleep

3. abused from the use of drugs, alcohol, smoking, too much caffeine

4. not receiving enough oxygen due to poor circulation or poor lung health

5. too much systemic (bodily) infection or inflammation often caused by viruses, infections, high fat and high sugar diets, high homocysteine and high C-reactive protein levels

6. a poor diet and not receiving enough broad spectrum nutrients from a healthy diet and proper nutritional supplementation, (not getting or taking enough Omega 3's (Fish Oil), Vitamin D, a high quality daily multi-vitamin, Co-enzyme Q10, potassium, calcium and especially magnesium

7. from improperly prescribed medication(s) or reactions to medications and their often harmful side effects.

Drug Health Warning: Current research shows that a harmful side effect of taking statin drugs to lower cholesterol is that most statin drugs lower the body's and the heart's natural production and use of Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is one the heart's required primary nutrients, shown to be critical in helping the mitochondria of the heart provide enough energy so the heart beats properly. However, by the time a person is 70 years old, their body may be producing 70% less CoQ10. Most 'knowledgeable' nutritionally inclined doctors will recommend that any patient taking a statin drug, as a minimum, take at least 50 to 100 mg of CoQ10 daily. CoQ10 is better taken in the newer, up to 8 times more highly absorbable Ubiquinol CoQ10 form (as opposed to the older less absorbable CoQ10 ubiquinone form). CoQ10 supplementation may also be highly beneficial for anyone over 40 who desires a longer cardiovascular healthy life.

Remember, ask your doctor if there are alternative methods to avoid having to take statin drugs in the first place, which may carry other long term negative side effects. Alternatives to statin drugs usually include adopting a better diet and lifestyle, weight loss, better stress-relieving techniques, nutritional supplements and of course, regular moderate exercise. Additional circulatory beneficial nutrients and supplements include: Omega 3's, Vitamin D, CoQ10, L-carnitine, magnesium, nattokinase, ribose and natural based K2 (menaquinone: MK-7). MK-7 is the highly absorbable form of Vitamin K2, that helps keep excess calcium from circulating in the blood stream which may cause plaque build up in the blood vessels, restricts blood flow and causes heart valve restrictive calcium build up. MK-7 also helps keep more calcium to be retained in bones. Many of these above circulatory nutrients are now also being recommended by many more enlightened alternative and preventive health inclined physicians.

I particularly like the well balanced and comprehensive blood vessel support nutrients in the products: Circulatory Support and CoQ10 Supreme (in Ubiquinol form) found at Here's to your better Cardiovascular Health by becoming more proactive and practicing better heart disease prevention through diet, lifestyle, nutrition, regular Dr. check ups and regular exercise habits.


Hal Decker is Founder and CEO of Doctor Greens (, an organic and wholesome vitamin, supplement and greens company in Portsmouth, NH. Hal has has lectured to thousands about the importance of proper nutrition and diet to people around the country. Hal will have a book coming out titled "Start Feeling Better Now", due out in the Fall of 2008. If you would like to hire Hal Decker for your next speaking engagement, visit

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